Having a population of about 72% for High school diploma or graduation. This shows that South Sioux City is very oriented towards pursuing higher education.
Here are some lists of Public schools you can opt for your kid if you are staying in a nearby area:
1. Cardinal Elementary School
The overall rating is Three stars that are an average for this public school which lies at 820 E 29th Street South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 395. The student-to-teacher ratio for Cardinal Elementary School is 12.3. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 67%, white 16.5%, African Americans about 4.1%, Asian Asian 4.1%, Two or more races: 3.8% American Indian: 2.3%, Pacific Islander: 2.3%. Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public PK and KG-5. Cardinal Elementary School ranks 155th of 452 Nebraska Elementary Schools.
2. South Sioux City Middle School
The overall rating is Two that is less than average for this public school which lies at 210 West 39th St South Sioux City, NE.
The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 824. The student-to-teacher ratio for Cardinal Elementary School is 13.0. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 65.5%, white 16.1%, African American about 6.8%, Asian Asian 4.4%, Two or more races: 3.2% American Indian: 2.8%, Pacific Islander: 1.2% Per Pupil Expenditures: $13,116
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public PK, KG-5, and Public 6-8. South Sioux City Middle School ranks 156th of 247 Nebraska districts.
3. Harney Elementary School
The overall rating is average for this public school which lies at 820 E 29th Street South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 334. The student-to-teacher ratio for Harney Elementary School is 10.3. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 61.5%, white 17.8%, African American about 11.7%, Asian Asian 3.8%, Two or more races: 2.9% American Indian: 2.3% Their Per Pupil Expenditures is $14,549
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public PK and KG-5. Cardinal Elementary School ranks 317th of 452 Nebraska Elementary Schools.
4. Covington Elementary School
The overall rating is average for this public school which lies at 2116 A Street South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 392. The student-to-teacher ratio for Covington Elementary School is 12.7. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 58.7%, white 17.1%, African American about 6.8%, Asian Asian 3.6%, Two or more races: 2.6% American Indian: 0.8%, Pacific Islander: 0.5% Their Per Pupil Expenditures is $11,424
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. Have Public 1-5. Covington Elementary School ranks 362nd of 452 Nebraska Elementary Schools.
5. Lewis & Clark Elementary School
The overall rating is 1 is below average for this public school which lies at 801 2nd Ave South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 246. The student-to-teacher ratio for Lewis & Clark Elementary School is 11.3. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 78%, white 12.6%, African American about 5.7%, Asian Asian 2.8%, Two or more races: 0.8% They have Per Pupil Expenditures of about $13,626
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public PK and KG-5 classes.
Lewis & Clark Elementary School ranks 365th of 452 Nebraska Elementary Schools.
6. South Sioux High School
The overall rating is average for this public school which lies at 820 E 29th Street South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 1179. The student-to-teacher ratio for South Sioux High School is 15.3. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 63.4%, white 19.1, African American about 8.2%, Asian Asian 3.1%, Two or more races: 2.8% American Indian: 2.5%, Pacific Islander: 0.9% They’re Per Pupil Expenditures is about $12,251
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public 9-12 classes.
South Sioux High School ranks 203rd of 217 Nebraska Elementary Schools.
7. E N Swett Elementary School
The overall rating is average for this public school which lies at 2300 C St South Sioux City, NE. The average number of student enrollment happens every year is 257. The student-to-teacher ratio for E N Swett Elementary School is 18.1. It shows the racial breakdown of Hispanic about 60.3%, white 17.5%, African American about 14.8%, Asian Asian 2.3%, Two or more races: 1.9% American Indian: 1.6%, Pacific Islander: 1.6% Per Pupil Expenditures: $20,809
Its district where it comes from is So Sioux City Community Schools. They have Public PK-K.
E N Swett Elementary School ranks 155th of 452 Nebraska Elementary Schools.